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株式会社文溪堂(以下、「当社」といいます)は、学習教材の製造・販売・ICT等の事業を行う企業として、個人情報を取得、利用、管理することがありますが、 個人情報の保護に関する法(以下、「個人情報保護法」といいます)等の法令及び当社策定に係る規程等を順守し、以下の方針に基づき個人情報を正確かつ安全に取り扱うことに努めます。

1、当社は個人情報を直接個人より取得する場合には利用目的を明示し、またはそれ以外の方法で適法に取得した場合には、 法令に基づく場合等を除き、本人の同意を得た範囲内で利用し、同意を得た範囲以外の第三者への提供・開示は行いません。





代表取締役 水谷 泰三

顧客窓口担当部署: 総務部 電話:058−398−1111 FAX:058−398−4021
月〜金 9:30〜12:00、13:00〜16:30


取扱個人情報 利用目的
お客様情報 ・お申込みいただいた商品・サービスの提供のため
お問い合わせ等の情報 ・お客様のご要望、ご意見、お問い合わせに応じる手続きをするため
セミナー申込情報 ・該当セミナーに関する連絡及び必要な事務手続きをするため
お取引様に関する情報 ・当社の取引先管理、営業活動のため
株主様に関する情報 ・株主総会の開催・運営など、株主様関連業務の実施のため
採用応募者情報 ・採用応募者への連絡と当社の採用業務管理に利用するため



住所 〒501-6297 岐阜県羽島市江吉良町江中7−1 株式会社文溪堂 総務部 個人情報保護相談窓口
電話番号 058-398−1111
受付時間 月曜〜金曜の営業日(祝日、夏季・冬季休業日、棚卸日、株主総会日等は除く。)9時30分〜12時、
保有個人データ開示等請求書 ダウンロード(100KB)




保有個人データ開示等請求委任状 ダウンロード(121KB)
a ご請求の不備等により請求を受理できない場合
ア 当社指定の請求書類を使用していない場合
イ 提出に必要な書類等が足りない場合
ウ 請求書に記載された事項ではお客さまご本人を特定できない場合
エ 申請書に記載されている住所、本人確認のための書類に記載されている住所、当社の登録住所が一致しない場合等、ご本人からの請求であることが確認できない場合
オ 代理人による申請に際して、その代理権が確認できない場合
カ その他、お客さまから提出いただいた申請書類に不備があった場合

b 開示等の請求等をお断りする場合
ア 利用目的を本人に通知し、または公表することにより本人又は第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
イ 利用目的を本人に通知し、または公表することにより当社の権利又は正当な利益を害するおそれがある場合
ウ 国の機関又は地方公共団体が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、 利用目的を本人に通知し、または公表することにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。

ア 利お客様または第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
イ 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
ウ 開示により、他の法令に違反する場合
エ 開示について、他の法令の規定により特別の手続が定められている場合

ア その内容の訂正、追加、削除について、他の法令の規定により特別の手続が定められている場合
イ その内容の訂正、追加又は削除が、当該保有個人データの利用目的の達成のために必要でない場合

ア 違反の是正のためには、請求に係る保有個人データの一部の利用停止又は消去で足りる場合
イ 利用停止又は消去に多額の費用を要する場合その他の利用停止等を行うことが困難であり、かつお客様の権利利益を保護するため必要な代替措置をとった場合

ア 第三者への提供の停止に多額の費用を要する場合その他の第三者の提供を停止することが困難であり、 かつ、本人の権利


a 保有個人データ開示等決定通知書の通知

b 保有個人データ不開示等決定通知書の通知


この開示等の請求の手続きは、法令等の変更、郵便料金の改定等に対応するために内容を一部改定することがあります。 開示等を請求する際には、都度、この手続きをご確認願います。

5.Google Calendar APIの利用について
当社サービスの一部では、Google Calendar API(scope: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar )を利用する場合があります。

Google Calendar APIについて、およびGoogle社のプライバシーポリシーについては以下をご覧ください。

Google Calendar API:https://developers.google.com/calendar/api?hl=en
Google社プライバシーポリシー : https://www.google.com/privacy

文溪堂HP: http://www.bunkei.co.jp/
お問い合わせ: bunkei.dev1@gmail.com

(hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), as a company engaged in the manufacture, sale, and ICT business of learning materials, may acquire, use, and manage personal information. However, the Company will comply with laws and regulations such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act") and the Company's own regulations, and will strive to handle personal information accurately and safely based on the following policies. However, we will comply with laws and regulations such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act") and other regulations established by our company, and strive to handle personal information accurately and safely based on the following policies.

1. When personal information is obtained directly from an individual, the purpose of use shall be clearly stated, or when personal information is obtained legally by other means, the information shall be used within the scope of the individual's consent, except when required by law, and shall not be provided or disclosed to third parties outside the scope of consent.

2. We will take reasonable and appropriate safety measures in terms of technology and organization to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information.

3. When the person in question requests disclosure, correction, deletion, or refusal of use or provision of personal information, we will comply within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent in light of socially accepted norms and practices.

We will strive to ensure that all personnel engaged in our business activities are aware of the importance of protecting personal information and their responsibilities.

5、We will review and improve the compliance program for personal information protection as necessary.

April 1, 2008
Bunkeido Corporation
Taizo Mizutani, Representative Director

For inquiries, please contact
Department in charge of customer service: General Affairs Department Phone: +81-58-398-1111 FAX: +81-58-398-4021
Monday - Friday 9:30 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Handling of Personal Information
(hereinafter referred to as "the Company") announces the following matters regarding the purpose of use and handling of personal information obtained and retained by the Company in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.

Purpose of use of personal information
The Company will use the personal information of customers only for the following purposes, and will notify customers if it is used for other purposes or if the purposes are changed.

Personal information handled Purpose of use
To provide the products and services that you have applied for.
To provide guidance and information on products and services from the Company
To perform procedures to respond to customer requests, opinions, and inquiries.
Seminar application information - To contact you regarding the relevant seminar and to perform necessary administrative procedures
To conduct questionnaires, prepare statistical materials, and provide information from our company.
Information on business partners - For the management of our business partners and sales activities
Information on shareholders - To conduct shareholder-related business, such as holding and managing general meetings of shareholders
Information on applicants for employment - To contact applicants for employment and to manage the Company's recruitment operations
Management of personal information
The Company shall properly manage personal information in accordance with laws, regulations, standards, and internal rules regarding personal information. In addition, we will take appropriate and reasonable safety measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information.

Provision of personal information to third parties
The Company shall appropriately manage the personal data in its possession and shall not provide such data to any third party without the prior consent of the individual concerned. However, the following cases are excluded.
The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual.
When required by law.
When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
When it is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local public body, or a person or organization entrusted by either of the foregoing in executing affairs prescribed by law.

Procedures for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data
The Company will respond to requests from the person in question or his/her representative for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, etc., suspension of use, etc., and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") regarding retained personal data.

(1) Retained personal data subject to disclosure, etc.
Personal information subject to disclosure, etc. shall be limited to personal data in our possession over which we have the authority to disclose, etc.
(2) Contact for disclosure, etc. and complaints
The following is the contact information for inquiries and complaints regarding the procedures for requesting disclosure, etc. of personal data held by the Company.
Address: 7-1 Enaka, Ekira-cho, Hashima-shi, Gifu 501-6297 Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk, General Affairs Department, Bunkeido Co.
Phone number: 058-398-1111
Business hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (excluding national holidays, summer and winter holidays, stocktaking days, and days of general shareholders meetings) 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(3) Procedures for requests for disclosure, etc.
(3) Procedures for making a request for disclosure, etc. Please send us the prescribed request form, documents for identification, and the handling fee by mail.
(1) Contact for "Request for Disclosure, etc.
Please send your request to the consultation desk listed in (2) above. (The postage shall be borne by the requestor.
2) Request form prescribed by the Company
Please download the following PDF file, print it out, and fill it out.
Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data Download (100KB)
Documents for identification, power of attorney, and certificate
To confirm the identity of the customer or proxy, please send a copy of the following (A) or (B) identity verification documents issued by a public office.
(A) One document with a photo for identification

Driver's license, passport, personal identification number card (only the side with the photo attached), etc.

(B) For identification documents without a photo, two items

(B) Two identification documents without a photo: Health insurance card, pension book, basic resident register card, etc.

In case the customer himself/herself makes the request.
In the case that the customer himself/herself makes the request, the customer's identification documents listed in either (A) or (B) above must be submitted.
In the case of a request by a proxy
The customer's identification document as specified in either (A) or (B) above
Documents verifying the identity of the agent in either (A) or (B) above.
A "Power of Attorney for Requesting Disclosure of Retained Personal Data" prescribed by the Company and the person's seal registration certificate (original issued within three months)
Please download the following PDF file, print it out, and fill it in.
Download and print out the following PDF file for the "Power of Attorney for Requesting Disclosure of Retained Personal Data" (121KB)
If there is no address specified in the Power of Attorney, it will be sent to the person in question.
In the case of a request by a legal representative
(1) Identity verification documents of either (A) or (B) above of the customer
If the legal representative is a minor, we will send the request to the minor.
If the legal representative is a guardian of a minor, a copy of the family register or a copy of the insurance card with the dependents entered; if the legal representative is a guardian of an adult, a certificate of registered matters of adult guardianship
(4) Fees, etc.
If the request is for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use, please enclose a postage stamp in the amount equivalent to 500 yen per request along with the necessary documents and send it to us.
The fee will not be refunded even if the request cannot be disclosed due to legal requirements.
(5) Cases in which we cannot respond to your request
In the following cases, we will not be able to respond to your request.
a. When we cannot accept your request due to incompleteness, etc.
We will not be able to accept your request in the following cases. Please correct the incomplete parts and resubmit the application documents according to the procedures specified by the Company.
a. When the request documents designated by the Company are not used.
(b) When the documents, etc. required for submission are not sufficient
(c) When the customer cannot be identified by the information contained in the request form.
(d) When it cannot be confirmed that the request is from the customer in question, such as when the address on the application form, the address on the documents for identification, and the address registered with the Company do not match.
(e) When the right of representation cannot be confirmed when the request is made by an agent.
(f) In other cases, when the application documents submitted by the customer are incomplete.

b. Cases in which requests for disclosure, etc. are refused
(a) Notification of the purpose of use
We will not be able to respond to a request for notification of the purpose of use of retained personal data in the following cases
(a) Cases in which notifying the person of the purpose of use or publicly announcing the purpose of use is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person or a third party
(b) Cases in which notifying the person of the purpose of use or making it public is likely to harm the rights or legitimate interests of the Company
(c) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or a local government in executing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and notifying the individual of the purpose of use or making it public is likely to hinder the execution of such affairs.

(b) Disclosure
The Company will not disclose the retained personal data requested in the following cases
(a) When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the customer or a third party
(b) When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper execution of the Company's business.
(c) Cases in which disclosure violates other laws and regulations
(d) When special procedures for disclosure are prescribed by other laws and regulations.

(c) Correction, etc. (correction, addition, deletion)
In the following cases, the Company will not be able to make corrections, etc. to the requested retained personal data
(a) When special procedures for correction, addition, or deletion of the content of the personal data are prescribed by other laws and regulations.
(b) When the correction, addition, or deletion of the content is not necessary to achieve the purpose of use of the relevant retained personal data.

(d) Suspension of use, etc. (suspension of use, deletion)
In the following cases, the Company will not be able to stop the use of the requested retained personal data
(a) Cases in which the suspension of use or deletion of a portion of the retained personal data pertaining to the request is sufficient to correct the violation
(b) Cases in which suspension of use or deletion requires a large amount of money, or in other cases in which it is difficult to suspend use, etc. and alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the customer have been taken.

(e) Suspension of provision to third parties
We will not be able to respond to a request for the suspension of provision of retained personal data to a third party in the following cases
(a) When it is difficult to stop the provision of personal data to a third party, such as when a large amount of money is required to stop the provision of the data to a third party, and when it is necessary to take alternative measures to protect the rights and interests of the individual.
(b) When it is difficult to stop the provision of personal information to a third party and necessary alternative measures have been taken to protect the rights and interests of the individual.

(6) Notice of Decision on Disclosure, etc. or Non-Disclosure, etc.

a. Notification of decision to disclose, etc. retained personal data
When the Company decides to notify the purpose of use of retained personal data for which a request for disclosure, etc. has been made, or when the Company decides to disclose, correct, etc., suspend use, etc., or suspend provision to a third party of all or part of the retained personal data, the Company will send a "Notice of Decision to Disclose, etc., Retained Personal Data" to the requesting customer or agent. When we decide to disclose, correct, etc., suspend use, etc., or suspend provision to a third party of the retained personal data, we will notify the requesting customer or agent by sending a "Notice of Decision to Disclose, etc.".

(b) Notification of decision not to disclose, etc. retained personal data
When the Company decides not to notify the purpose of use of retained personal data for which a request for disclosure, etc. has been made, or decides not to disclose, correct, etc., suspend use, etc., or stop provision to a third party of all such data, the Company will notify the requesting customer or agent by sending a "Notice of Decision Not to Disclose Retained Personal Data". (4) Request for disclosure, etc.

(4) Purpose of use of personal information obtained in connection with requests for disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained will be handled only to the extent necessary to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. The submitted documents will be securely stored for a certain period of time as a record after the completion of the response to the request for disclosure, etc., and then disposed of in an appropriate manner.

(5) Revision of this procedure
This procedure for requesting disclosure, etc. is subject to partial revision in order to respond to changes in laws and regulations, revisions in postal rates, etc. Please check these procedures each time you make a request for disclosure.

5. Use of Google Calendar API
Some of our services may use the Google Calendar API (scope: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar ).
In this case, united may perform the following operations on service users' Google Calendar information.
Obtaining schedule and resource information
Register an appointment
Delete an appointment
Update the schedule.
The information will not be used for any purpose other than the above.

The use of Google Calendar integration is limited to the case where the customer agrees on the service.
Google Calendar information obtained will be managed and used appropriately in accordance with the above privacy policy and terms of service.
For more information about Google Calendar API and Google's privacy policy, please see the following

Google Calendar API: https://developers.google.com/calendar/api?hl=en
Google's Privacy Policy:https://www.google.com/privacy

Bunkeido Corporation HP: http://www.bunkei.co.jp/
Contact: bunkei.dev1@gmail.com

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